Building an Updated Contact form for a Med Spa

We built a brand new contact form for our friends at Age Perfectly. Now they can seamlessly handle their client appointments!

September 30 - October 2, 2021

Time to completion - 4 hours

Project start

Here's what we discussed

Age Perfectly


Helen Jackman

Age Perfectly, Company Founder

to: Brian Hurst

It would be great to have a waitlist form built on my site and then receive an email notification when a customer submits their info. Let me know if you need anything from me. Thanks!


More Seconds


Brian Hurst

More Seconds, Project Manger

to: Helen Jackman

Will have it for you soon. What email should the form direct to?

Project Manager

Age Perfectly


Helen Jackman

Age Perfectly, Company Founder

to: Brian Hurst

We could simplify the form to:1. Contact info, email and phone 2. Requested service 3. The best days of the week and times of the day that work for a patient. 4. Do they have an existing appt booked for the future date 5. How long will it take them to get to Age Perfectly if the opening comes up.Thank you for the prompt response.


More Seconds


Brian Hurst

More Seconds, Project Manger

to: Helen Jackman

Of course anytime, give me a few hours and we'll have this ready for you. If you need anything else in the meantime please let me know!

Project Manager
MacBook Computer Apple

Final Touches

Form must be mobile, tablet, and desktop responsive

Form must send to clients admin email

Project Status


Service Rendered

Web Development

UX / UI Design

Our process

Here's what we did

Progress update

I was thinking of doing the checkbox grid with a custom HTML field in Gravity Forms, and then use javascript to make those checkboxes toggle hidden checkbox fields that have the full name "Monday - 9am - 11am"

Also, I made the "When is your existing appointment?" fields only show up if they select Yes on the "Have you scheduled an appointment in case you don't get off the waitlist?" field

This can also work as a solution for mobile devices since a grid can't be responsive. So all we would have to do is show the hidden checkbox fields on mobile (they would say "Monday: 9am - 11am", etc. in a list)

Our Goals
  • Use Gravity Forms to create the form
  • Form must send notifications to - ( ), test this to confirm
  • Style Form based on site color scheme
  • Include the form fields requested by the client

Participated in the project

Brian Hurst

Project Manager

Admir Zatega

Lead Developer

Portfolio Images

Here's how it came out

Hover the gallery images to scroll their pages!

MacBook Computer Apple
MacBook Computer Apple
MacBook Computer Apple

What the Customer thinks

Ah! What a lifesaver you guys are! Our 3rd-party form installation broke on such short notice and the More Seconds team was able to jump in and have a brand new form up and running for us so fast! Thank you!!

Helen Jackman

Company Founder

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